August 7, 2017


A few weeks ago, I attended our NRF (National Retail Federation) mid-year Board meet and summit. On our board are retail leaders from Neiman’s, Saks, Macy’s, Brooks Bros., among others. Our Trade Association represents retailers both large and small.

Retailers from across the country came to Washington DC to have their concerns heard by their elected representatives. These ranged from the issues on border adjustment tax, healthcare, corporate tax reform, and bank credit card fees.

The Vice President, Mike Pence, came to speak to our group.  He gave a rousing speech and seemed very supportive of our cause. The next day, Labor Secretary Acosta came to our meeting, and there was a great discussion on employment and issues relating to retail.

All in all, it was a very lively two days, as we discussed issues ranging from policy to the major changes taking place in the retail space. We also discussed the National Retail Foundation’s Rise Up program, which offers certification courses to help in employment and advancement in the industry.

There was an overwhelming consensus that there are enormous challenges facing retail for both the large and the small.